Heikin Ashi Candlesticks

-Matthew P. Jones, Ph.D. Heikin Ashi Candlesticks: A Smoother Perspective on Market Trends… Unlike traditional candlesticks, Heikin Ashi applies a modified formula that averages price movements, helping to filter out noise and highlight trend direction. 🔹 How We Use Heikin Ashi? Rather than use Heikin Ashi for short-term stock trading (our Firm believes in a longer-term “buy and hold” investment …

Bank Accounts vs Brokerage Accounts

-Matthew P. Jones, Ph.D. Choosing how to manage your wealth starts with understanding the key differences between a bank savings account and an individual brokerage account. An FDIC-insured bank savings account is designed to keep your cash secure. While you can earn some interest—especially by placing funds in a Certificate of Deposit (CD)—these accounts generally offer low …